Saturday, November 18, 2006

Letter to send to Jeb Bush


Hon. Jeb Bush
Governor of the State of Florida
Office of the Governor
400 South Monroe Street
Tallahassee, FL 32399

Honorable Governor Bush:

This communication has the purpose to request your intervention to save the life of the Puerto Rican national Angel Nieves Diaz, who was sentenced to death by this State of Florida over twenty years ago, and at this time is waiting to be executed. You have ordered Angel's execution for this December the 13th. All judicial appellate procedures have been exhausted.

I am firmly opposed to the application of the death penalty. The circumstances of this case deserve your immediate intervention. There are plenty of reasons that convince me that prompt action has to be taken. Among those reasons, we have to consider the age of Angel and the long time that Mr. Nieves Daz has been imprisoned -taking into account the terrible confinement circumstances of being in death row. Besides, a series of anomalies were observed in the judicial process, raising serious doubts about the fairness of the judicial process and even over the guilty verdict in Angel's case. I, humbly but firmly, request of you the immediate commutation of the death penalty for Mr. Nieves Daz. In the alternative, we request a moratorium of the execution until all aspects ofthe case can be cleared, including further DNA tests.



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